Monday, 11 May 2009

A guide for a Happy Life

Hello everybody!

We are Ezequiel, Julieta, and Ben from 2nd "A".

We decided to talk about 3 things that we think are the most important to have a good and healthy life.

The first of all, we thought that the health it's really important. Can we give you some help to be healthy? There are a lot of things, but somethings that you should do are: wash your hands before you eat, take a shower every day, and have your kitchen cleaned. That will get easier a lot of things...

The another thing is to make exersise. If you want to live a very healthy life you have to practice sports. Why you have to practice sports, because sports are the healthiest way to keep your body fit. What means to keep fit; it means no obesity problems, no blood diseases or incapacity to walk or move.

And the last thing is the music. Music helps you to open your mind, relax, and take easy a lot of things. Some people are conected a lot to the music, they guide their lifes only with this. There are a lot of kinds of music, you should choose the one that you like and enjoy it!

Good luck and have a happy life with our help!

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