Monday, 11 May 2009

What I think of football as a sport

Football is a very popular sport that people seem to be fascinated by. The maganizines, TV and the radio frequently cover football. The succesfull football players (as Messi and Ronaldinhio) are trated as heroes. This sport is played in a pitch and you only need a goal, a ball and, - of course- sport wearing.
I think the football is a fascinatibg game because it’s a very fast game. You always must be running, unless you hurt. In this game the abilty and the good look are together. In adition, it brings people together. Generally the people of the same team are very good friends or they meet at first in the pitch and make friends.
However, the football can be very dangerous. When a player (who didn’t do anything) gets sent of by the referi the people often gets very angry about that and they could enter the pitch and hurt the players or the referi. In adition, the injuries from one player to another can be very dangerous and they couldn’t be able to play for a long time or to never again be able to play.
To conclude I think football is a very fascinating game. It can be very dangerous and we have sufficient violence in the world I think. I’m personally not all in favour off football.

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