Sunday 17 May 2009

Skateboarding by Juan Ro

Skateboarding is a extreme sport wich began to be practiced a few years ago. you need a skateboard and a good place to practice it. You can skate in the street or in a skatepark, where there are ramps and rails to practice. You can skate whenever you want, you don't need a team, an specific place, or special cloths, you can just take your board and practice in the street. Its too hard too explain how it feels when you are on your board, you jump and land OK, its amazingly exiting. However, it's sometimes frustating to try days and weeks to land some trick and fail everytime. Like everyone thinks, skateboarding is sometimes dangerous, you can hurt yourself when you fall from a ramp or a rail but if you are careful and you know what you can and you can't do, you'll be ok. In my opinion skateboarding is an amazing sport, but it can't be practiced by everyone. You have to be really fearless and persuasive, to keep trying every time you do it wrong.

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